As you may or may not know, along with posting well-informed, intelligent and articulate pieces of writing on the subject of fud on FU, I also do some work for Great British Chefs, the place to go to on the internets to find recipes and inspiration from top chefs around the country.
And just recently they have been spearheading a campaign to get parents into the kitchen, to teach their children to cook and to share the experience of cooking with a selection of easy recipes. I say easy, the recipes do come from Michelin starred chefs and they do often have a penchant for over-egging the pud; sous-viding, spherificationising, foamenating and homogenising all over the place. However, these recipes are really quite simple and serve as an excellent springboard into the messy world of cooking at home.
In particular, William Drabble's Chicken and Apple Hedgehogs look brilliant. Although I do feel a caveat should be placed at the end of the recipe. When I pointed it out to my son the other day, as something we should try out, he looked a bit worried. Perhaps knowing that his Dad isn't adverse to a bit of foraging and leans, sometimes, towards the wilder side of sourcing ingredients, he thought I was going to take him hedgehog hunting. This couldn't be further from the truth. Daddy loves hedgehogs and their spikey backs and their cute ickle faces and I would never ever eat a hedgehog, ever. Great British Chefs would do well though to stress that no real hedgehogs are needed for the recipe, just so that I could point this out to Fin. Because I don't think I convinced him.
As part of their campaign, they have recently produced a fun infographic garnered from the results of a survey, undertaken by 1300 parents and they asked me to share a brief summary before the full results go public tomorrow, so here it is.............
But before you scroll down, I would just like to express my surprise at one of the findings. Which is the revelation that only 7% of the participants felt that their Dad had encouraged them to cook when growing up. I can only hope that this is a generational thing and that the Dads in question came from that dinosaur era of pipe and slippers and glass of whisky whilst mother got on with the egg and chips. I know lots of fathers today who love to get their hands dirty with the kids in the kitchen, chopping, whisking, stirring and experimenting, yes experimenting. I would certainly like to see the results of such a survey in say, 5 years time, when I am sure that the percentage will be a lot higher.
It would be interesting though, to add another line of enquiry to the survey, such as: what is the weirdest thing that you cooked with your Mum and Dad?
I wonder if there would be, just the sneak chance, of 'hedgehog' making ii onto the list. What do you reckon? 0.25?

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